Beo! (freagraí ar: A Thundering B.....s and a F.....g Disgrace) Chas Kíla ag ceolchoirm i Maigh Nuad le deireanas do Ghaelscoil Chearbhaill Uí Dhálaigh, ceolchoirm a mheabhraigh Óstán an Burlington sa bhliain 1975 do Cholm Ó Snodaigh nuair a bhuail An tUachtarán Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh é féin isteach chucu le muintir na gaelscolaíocht a mhisniú. ga Cóipcheart Oideas Gael. Sat, 18 Feb 2012 16:53:35 GMT Beo! Máirtín Dea-scríofa!<br />Creidim gur 'thundering disgrace' an Béarla múinte a cuireadh ar ráiteas an Aire Cosanta agus níor séanadh ariamh é. Ach fo-nóta: Bhí scaifte de mhuintir Ógras i nDroichead Atha i 1976 agus bhí paráid ann ag deireadh na n-imeachtaí deireadh seachtaine. Bhi an tAire Cosanta ár mbreathnú ón ardán agus thug déagóirí Bhéal Feirste beannú Hitler dó. Deirtear liom go raibh gearán déanta, cruinnithe de choistí, miontuairscí scríofa srl srl ag éirí as. Don chuid is mó, cé gur thuig muid gur liúdramán frithPhoblachtach a bhí san Aire, ní raibh ann ach pléidhcíocht déagóirí. Ach tá áthas orm anois go ndeárna muid é. Agus bród.<br /> Sat, 18 Feb 2012 16:53:35 GMT colm ó snodaigh Aontaíom agus níos tábhachtaí fós tá an t-am beagnach tahrt mar beidh an-chuid des na daoine a bhí i láthair marbh anois nó éirithe ró-shean le haon chuimhne bheacht a bheith acu. Deifrigh a iriseoirí!!!<br /> Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:21:19 GMT Fearn <span class="quote">> Níl a fhios agam ar ceistíodh an Donnagánach faoi a ndúirt sé. Nó níl a</span><br /><span class="quote">> fhios agam ar ceistíodh siú a bhí i láthair. Alt eile atá ansan sílim -</span><br /><span class="quote">> dul ar thóir an scéil. Seo nasc chuig alt a scríobh an iriseoir faoin</span><br /><span class="quote">> frása. Seo giota ó alt eile le Donnegan ag caint.</span><br /><span class="quote">> The letter continued: "As you did not find it possible to accede to my</span><br /><span class="quote">> request for an appointment, I hasten to make my apologies to you,</span><br /><span class="quote">> sincerely and humbly, by this letter.</span><br /><span class="quote">> "Specifically, I wish to tender to you my very deep regret for my use of</span><br /><span class="quote">> the words 'thundering disgrace' in relation to you. I repeat my expression</span><br /><span class="quote">> of sincere and humble apology."</span><br /><span class="quote">> Anois bhí Ó Dálaigh maslaithe ach ní amháin sin cheap sé go raibh an gaol</span><br /><span class="quote">> idir oigig an uachtaráin agus an aire cosanta tar éis teip agus mar sin</span><br /><span class="quote">> (agus ar fáthanna eile chomh maith) d'éirigh sé as.</span><br /><span class="quote">> (seo an nasc -</span><br /><span class="quote">> <a href="" target="_parent">http:/&#8203;/&#8203;;national-news/&#8203;how-thundering-disgrace-led-to-president-resigning-66308.html)</a></span><br /><span class="quote">> Seo giota wikipedia</span><br /><span class="quote">> ^ It was widely believed at the time, including by Ó Dálaigh himself, that</span><br /><span class="quote">> the actual words used were "thundering bollocks and fucking disgrace", and</span><br /><span class="quote">> that the version published by the media was sanitised. However, the one</span><br /><span class="quote">> journalist present at the occasion (a correspondent for The Cork Examiner</span><br /><span class="quote">> newspaper) has always insisted that the actual words used were "thundering</span><br /><span class="quote">> disgrace" and nothing else. Of more offence was Donegan's comment that</span><br /><span class="quote">> "the fact is the army must stand behind the state", a comment which the</span><br /><span class="quote">> President interpreted as implying that he, the Army's Commander-in-Chief,</span><br /><span class="quote">> did not. In the aftermath Donegan, an alcoholic whom his cabinet</span><br /><span class="quote">> colleagues presumed was drunk when he made the comments, received</span><br /><span class="quote">> treatment for his drink problem and was demoted to a more junior cabinet</span><br /><span class="quote">> post.</span><br /><span class="quote">> Cheistíos mo fhoinse arís agus deireann sé liom gur duine den airm a bhí i</span><br /><span class="quote">> láthair ar an oíche a dúirt go ndúirt O donnagáin 'thundering b &amp; f</span><br /><span class="quote">> disgrace'. Má tá duine éigin amiugh ansn sásta dul i mbun tighde bhein</span><br /><span class="quote">> sásta mo fhoinse a thabhairt dó/&#8203;di. Einne?</span><br /><br />Maith thú as sin.<br />I mo leith fhéin, níl mé in áit taighde a dhéanamh.<br />Cinnte, tá sé in am filleadh ar an eachtra féachaint cad é taise úr a nochtófaí sa scéal<br /> Sat, 20 Aug 2011 14:02:03 GMT colm ó snodaigh Níl a fhios agam ar ceistíodh an Donnagánach faoi a ndúirt sé. Nó níl a fhios agam ar ceistíodh siú a bhí i láthair. Alt eile atá ansan sílim - dul ar thóir an scéil. Seo nasc chuig alt a scríobh an iriseoir faoin frása. Seo giota ó alt eile le Donnegan ag caint.<br />The letter continued: "As you did not find it possible to accede to my request for an appointment, I hasten to make my apologies to you, sincerely and humbly, by this letter.<br /><br />"Specifically, I wish to tender to you my very deep regret for my use of the words 'thundering disgrace' in relation to you. I repeat my expression of sincere and humble apology."<br /><br />Anois bhí Ó Dálaigh maslaithe ach ní amháin sin cheap sé go raibh an gaol idir oigig an uachtaráin agus an aire cosanta tar éis teip agus mar sin (agus ar fáthanna eile chomh maith) d'éirigh sé as.<br />(seo an nasc - <a href="" target="_parent">http:/&#8203;/&#8203;;national-news/&#8203;how-thundering-disgrace-led-to-president-resigning-66308.html)</a><br /><br />Seo giota wikipedia<br />^ It was widely believed at the time, including by Ó Dálaigh himself, that the actual words used were "thundering bollocks and fucking disgrace", and that the version published by the media was sanitised. However, the one journalist present at the occasion (a correspondent for The Cork Examiner newspaper) has always insisted that the actual words used were "thundering disgrace" and nothing else. Of more offence was Donegan's comment that "the fact is the army must stand behind the state", a comment which the President interpreted as implying that he, the Army's Commander-in-Chief, did not. In the aftermath Donegan, an alcoholic whom his cabinet colleagues presumed was drunk when he made the comments, received treatment for his drink problem and was demoted to a more junior cabinet post.<br /><br />Cheistíos mo fhoinse arís agus deireann sé liom gur duine den airm a bhí i láthair ar an oíche a dúirt go ndúirt O donnagáin 'thundering b &amp; f disgrace'. Má tá duine éigin amiugh ansn sásta dul i mbun tighde bhein sásta mo fhoinse a thabhairt dó/&#8203;di. Einne?<br /> Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:21:20 GMT Fearn Ar saoradh nó séanadh an Donnagánach riamh a dúirt sé?<br />An bhuil améisne ar na saighdiúirí uile a bhí ann?<br /> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:10:03 GMT aonghus Séanann an t-iriseoir gur choill sé an ráiteas (atá olc a dhóthain mar thundering disgrace, tharla an tUachtarán a bheith ina Cheann Feadhna ag an Arm)<br /> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:17:20 GMT Fearn <span class="quote">> Duine den airm a bhí i láthair ag an ócáid, sa Mhuilleann Cearr, ina</span><br /><span class="quote">> chaith Donegan an frása uaidh. Tuigim go ndeireann an iriseoir a scaip an</span><br /><span class="quote">> scéal, san Irish Independant, go ndúirt Donegan - a thundering disgrace.</span><br /><br />B'fhéidir go bhfuil finné nó dís eile de dhith nó chuir an t-iriseoir ráiteas an Dundarláin as a riocht<br /> Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:03:24 GMT colm ó snodaigh Duine den airm a bhí i láthair ag an ócáid, sa Mhuilleann Cearr, ina chaith Donegan an frása uaidh. Tuigim go ndeireann an iriseoir a scaip an scéal, san Irish Independant, go ndúirt Donegan - a thundering disgrace.<br /> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:58:47 GMT Fearn ‘thundering bollocks and a fucking disgrace’<br /><br />Cá bhfuil na tuairiscí neamhspléacha gurb é sin a dúirt sé ( cé nach bhuil sé deacair a chreidbháil go dúirt ) ?<br /><br />An dúirt bean liom go dúirt bean lei é seo???<br /> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 15:14:15 GMT